What Is Domain? (A Complete Guide to Domain)

Published by Chloe Tyler on

what is domain

In the simplest terms; Domain is the address/name of your website that people type on their browser to enter instead of its more complex IP address. The main functions of domains are to keep billions of websites on the web unique and make them simpler for people to remember. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); is the responsible non-profit organization for the Domain Names System (DNS) and implements name policies.

When a user types the domain name; it sends a signal to the servers’ global network, and then these servers find the associated name with that request. A hosting company takes care of these name servers and the computer in which your websites’ data is stored fetches the data back to the browser. 

What Is the Difference Between a Website and a Domain Name?

There are a couple of fundamental differences between a website and a name. A website contains many files, website builder software, videos, images, texts, etc. These web pages are written in various website programming languages such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, etc. They enable your web browser to display the content on the website accurately. While a name is the web site’s unique address; users write to the URL bar of the web browser and do not contain the website’s mentioned features.

what is domain

Different Types of Domains

Here we listed below the main types of domains: 

  1. Top-Level Domain (TLD): Top-level domains are the highest level DNS structure in the web and refer to the suffixes of a name such as .com, .org, .gov, .edu., .net., and many more. TLDs are broadly classified into two categories as country-code TLDs and generic TLDs.
  2. Country Code TLD: Country code TLD is a two-letter extension that is assigned to a country such as .tr, .au, .fr, or, .it.
  3. Generic TLD: Generic TLD refers to the name class that it is associated with. For example, .com refers to a commercial website, .edu educational institutions, or .net refers to network organizations. 
  4. Subdomain: A subdomain is there to separate a website into relevant sections or pages; and it is not necessary to register a subdomain. You can create many subdomains through your hosting software interface by using the main name you already own, such as blog.domain.tld or info.domain.ltd.
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FAQs About Domain

Can I use a name that is already active?

Although it is not possible to register a name already taken, it is possible to contact the owner to buy it.

How can I buy a domain?

You can buy it from many name registrars available on the web after you check its availability. 

How to check if a domain is available?

Many name providers offer a free domain availability checker tool on their websites.

What Is Domain In Short

A domain is the unique name of a website and its unique IP address. While there are varying domains, its key functions are to name the website, classify it, and make it simpler for people to remember the website. After you obtain your domain name, now it’s time to make it to the top of the organic search lists.

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Chloe Tyler

Hi, I'm Chloe! I'm an SEO Specialist working for a digital marketing agency. I've been very interested in the internet and the digital world since I was little. I'm passionate about writing and giving tips about digital marketing and SEO. I hope you find the content I create useful!


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